Happy New Year and Old Lang Syne!!!
2016 has been a year of change, challenge, and new beginnings. Every year presents the opportunity to change your life; face challenges head on, and start anew.
EllyBLUE has gone through change, challenge, and new starts in the past year and we are looking forward to starting 2017 with grace, beauty, and in classic EllyBLUE style.
It seems like at the start of every new year everyone around us is making resolutions to loose weight, start working out, start a new job, begin a new relationship or to create something new. Not only can we look forward to the future and everything new starting, we also can take this time to look back at the past year and give thanks for all the good and lessons learned.
We at EllyBLUE love the beauty and meaning of the classic New Years song “Old Lang Syne” (translates to "times gone by"). To celebrate the past, look back, and then head into the future. “Old Lang Syne” is about remembering friends from the past and not letting them be forgotten!
Most commonly Old Lang Syne is drunkenly sung at the end of the old year and the beginning of the new but it really is the perfect sending off of the old year….
EllyBLUE loves our dear friends, amazing community, and all the support we have received this past year!
We couldn’t do it without the community that we call our home and the support that we receive from all our customers through out the year!
Looking back we toast with a cup o’ kindness to you: our friends, our family, our community, our customers!!!
Wishing everyone love, light, happiness, and all the best in the New Year!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 from EllyBLUE!!!!